Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy Weekend = Celebrating Love

Happy weekend my darlings.  This weekend is going to be a special one - yesterday the Big A and I celebrated 10 years together and on Sunday we will celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary! We'll be going out to celebrate with a big fancy dinner that I will wear lipstick to.  I can not wait.  Whatever you do, have a good one.

Some Lovely Links: 
A rainy day wedding
Can't wait to start wearing my trench again
Hello Pink Flamingo
This lamp is both stylish and budget friendly 
Sitting pretty

On 7 Year Wedding This Week:
We totally loved this diy art for $4 from uber clever Little Green Notebook
We checked out some amazing industrial wedding decor
We looked at alternatives to veils
I showed you my new West Elm curtains on order
We said goodbye to summer